
Personalised joining keyrings with custom wording.
A beautiful gift for others or you and your partner, for anniversaries, weddings, Valentines day etc...
The kit includes...
- 2 x keyring pieces, measuring 4cm at the widest point each.
- 2 x keyrings of your choice.
- 2 x Jump rings.
Opening jump rings can be easily done with pairs of pliers or pliers and fingers, by grasping the jump ring with the split at the top and twisting the ring to open, and then twisting back to close it.
Colour of text is determined by the acrylic colour chosen, to complement the tag. This will be white or black.
Please make sure all spellings and numbers are correct with capitals for the first letters of the names, as these will be copied directly from your email to assure correct spellings etc.